Talk to our ExpertsHere's how our fintech advisors can bring your idea to life.
Investment Portfolios
Sector focused portfolios built by regulated investment managers. Access a wide number of stocks portfolios and track their market performance.
Investment Strategies
Actively managed investment strategies provided by expert traders, track and copy hundreds of strategies trading stocks, forex, commodities, indices and crypto.
ETFs & Funds
Invest in multiple assets and track actively managed funds using a single, cost effective investment.
Regulated portfolio management meets your regulated brokerage account. We understand the importance of regulation and the security of your money our regulation ensures we provide clients market access the right way.
Tier 1 liquidity
Today Markets Invest sources the best liquidity to provide a deep product range and broad market access. Fast order execution and transparent pricing.
Zero Commissions
When investing, the small margins matter. Today Markets Invest offers invests 0 commissions investing, and has 0 cost to download our app.
Build Your Own Portfolio
What can you invest in
Our clients access markets using CFD’s to leverage positions to capitalise on market movements.**
Global shares
Trade the world most popular US and global shares, including Apple, Tesla, Amazon & more. Market access using CFD’s to Leverage your position to capitalise on market movements.
Access the worlds most liquid markets, and build your global markets strategy from the comfort of your own device.
Precious Metals & Commodities
From Gold to Oil to Wheat, trade CFD’s correlated to the price of tangible assets or add them to your portfolio for diversification.
ETF'S & Mutual Funds
Instantly diversify your investments by trading derivatives tied to the performance of globally recognised ETF’s & Funds.
Open Your Brokerage Account
Complete the Registration form to signup today.
Register for a Blackwell Invest account using the link below and link your brokerage account to the Today Markets Invest App.
Deposit to your Investor Account
Access a wide range of funding methods to begin your investment journey.
Deposit to your Today Markets Invest Account using Bank Transfer, Debit/Credit Cards, Skrill, Neteller and Crypto Currency.
Download the APP and Invest.
Invest global markets from the comfort of your own device
Once You have downloaded our app you will be able to view all available investment and trading solutions invest in a range regulated investment portfolios. Start Investing today by registering below.